We can help you meet your Climate Change Goals by eliminating your CO2 Emissions! We help Utilities make thier electric grids more efficient. We help CRE owners and developers reduce their electricity costs, build remote communities, and we give industrial business a competitive advantage. We build the Multipowered Load Balancer (MPLB), a renewable energy structure which produces power 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. It is a platform which can be applied to any location, especially those with limited space and where architectural design matters.
The MPLB is a building applied to the client’s property, as a property improvement. Our projects run about 12 to 18 months from planning to customer acceptance with various tests to ensure your satisfaction.
We provide operational resilience in the face of our changing climate. Your savings can be up to 4X greater than your costs. We increase property values with an equity & operational ROI of 4 to 7 years.
We start by determining your current business needs. This ensures that the MPLB always gives you a return on investment which is well worth the costs. The MPLB is not a Microgrid or a Nanogrid as such, it does not need to be placed on a grid. It is an independent power source which uses grid-certified equipment, but MPLBs can be applied off-grid as well. On the electric grid MPLBs can be applied for Demand Reponse at the Distribution Edge of the Grid at the furthest point from power generation to produce the most savings on natural gas usage. As an Independent power soure MPLBs enable Manufacturing, CRE, and home developers to access additional or remote power on demand.
MPLBs are finished construction. They add value to any property where they are built. MPLBs are constructed renewable energy platforms with fully finished exteriors which allow them to fit into any urban, suburban, warehouse or industrial area. This means once built, they like any other building increases your property’s value. MPLBs are a property improvement, which generate equity over time.
Boanerges Power Company is partnered with a several of the oldest, most experienced and innovative construction companies in the USA. They are passionate about the environment and truly desire to combat climate change. They help us to meet all industry standards of construction, building, and the environment. MPLBs have minimal impact on the environment drawing 100% of its power from renewable sources. Our construction requirements are minimal, our equipment usage is minimized, efficient, and with safety at its heart. Our platforms are built to last for more than 100 years without significant need for maintenance or repairs. MPLBs are self-sustaining and can work without human intervention for months.
MPLBs are actually constructed in only about a year after all finance, municipal, and regulatory requirements are complete. We will run completion tests at the location and initiate BPC Services.
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